Ben & Ebony

Ben & Ebony stills and motion, Great Southern Weddings, Western Australia

She takes sweet photos and he makes epic videos

We’re both generally awkward humans. We fill our time with editing, our wonderful families, lame computer games, making furniture, putting together pretty things for our other wedding company Covet Collect, eating epic foods, loving cute animals and being a part of a kick ass community of friends. 

Our favourite part of this world of weddings is becoming close friends with the people we get to hang out with on the day. You often don’t realise but the photographer and videographer are the two people, other than your bridal party, who are around the most on your wedding day. So you want to make sure we are on the same page. We will be there to snort laugh with you, cry with you, dance with you, eat too much cheese with you and just generally freak out with you about the fact that YOU JUST GOT MARRIED!

When your sole job to to be present and witness this story and to discover ways to share who these people are you end up giving up little bits of yourself to them also. 
We are merely an accumilation of the stories we capture.
Ben & Ebony Stills and Motion, Great Southern Wedding, Western Australia

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